On Writing

On Writing

I’ve been writing more than reading lately and it feels quite refreshing. I mean, I love books – they are a little piece of heaven on earth, really – but, nothing feels like words flowing through your head and writing them down on paper or typing them up on a blank canvass. Nothing feels like feeling an emotion and being able to describe it using words effortlessly. Nothing is more frustrating than not being able to get a certain word out of your mouth at the perfect moment, when it feels like you’ve ruined it. 

Writing has always been my art, and it took a while for me to find it. How did I find my art? I was inspired. I was inspired by all the amazing writers all around me. Some have url’s I’ve known by heart, and some just use words and turn them into sentences and paragraphs and make me feel. That’s the best part, I guess – making other people feel what you do. Expressing yourself through words like heartbeats. 

I am thankful, thankful for all the wonderful opportunities given to me to write. I am thankful, for every chance I get to share my art to the world. I am thankful, to all the people who has inspired me through their words.

I am thankful. 

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